Wednesday, February 28, 2007


Okay, can you really call us slackers for not updating the blog given our crazy schedules? I guess so. Quick updates:

Erin is scheduled to get tubes in her ears mid-march. We're happy to report that her last visit to the pediatrician showed clear ears - if they are still clear next week we get to cancel the tubes. Obviously her ears haven't been affecting her hearing - she hears words like cupcake or candy from 3 blocks away.

Sloane is starting to get a wee bit mobile - if you lay her on a mat she can get from one side to the other via a combination of rolling and scooting on her back. No standard crawling for our child of constant motion. My guess? She'll be mobile before we know it and driving her older sister crazy by going after her toys.

Sarah's EI evaluation went fairly well. As we thought, she does have a gross motor skill concern and will be receiving some physical therapy. Our happy girl aced the social skills part. They couldn't evaluate her verbal skills because she chose to stay quiet, as in not make a single peep, for the two hours they were there. We'll update as we know more.

Last weekend we went out to a museum and the crayon (insert brand name here:)) factory with our good friends. Erin really enjoyed it, as did her best bud. A definite two thumbs up if you are in the area and considering it. We'll post pics as soon as we upload them.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Some February Pictures

I'll never...

It almost goes without saying that our house is in constant chaos. Two adults, three children and two dogs in one house is a recipe for non-stop action. This past weekend found us sounding like a bad Christmas song – three puking children, two dogs a barking and a Mom with an ear infection. We’re glad to report everyone seems to be on the upswing now. We’ve learned that we need to take it all in stride and to try not to get caught up in the stress of it.
Speaking of learning, one of the things I’ve learned so far as a parent is that many of those “I’ll never” statements quickly go by the wayside. The most recent? “I’ll never drive a minivan”. After spending the past 6 months managing with the truck, which fits all three carseats, and the Subaru ,which only had one carseat, we bit the bullet and purchased a used (or if you prefer, Certified Pre-Owned) Toyota Sienna. After my initial tantrum of giving up my commuting car (hey, we never said all of tantrums were Erin’s), I’ve found that it does make life easier to have two vehicles where we can fit all of the kids. And, if in the future I find myself working closer to home and not commuting 80 miles a day…. Well, suffice it to say you’ll be able start calling Matt the minivan dad.
Other “I’ll never” statements that have since been amended? Well, we (meaning Mom, Dad and Erin) can sing you the theme song from Blue’s Clues and know Greg, Murray, Jeff and Anthony from the Wiggles by sight. It’s not uncommon for to hear Erin squealing “Ooooh, The Wiggles!” when she finds the dvd case. We are glad to report though that Barney has still never graced our television screen. And Sarah still seems to prefer Rachel Ray to Baby Einstein videos. Sloane is too busy moving around to show any type of preference for music, videos or books.
We knew we were true parents when we realized we used to camp out for Eagles and Springsteen tickets and we now find ourselves trolling the web looking for two seats together for a Laurie Berkner show. Parenthood definitely changes you

Sunday, February 18, 2007

Inspired by good friends of ours, we've decided to start a blog. We thought this would be the best way to keep you all updated as to our going ons (sometimes weekly, sometimes daily) and share stories and pictures of the kids. We've decided to keep identifying information off of the blog since it does involve our kids, so we're going to approve comments before they are posted.

Both of us will be posting, so stay tuned.