Friday, July 25, 2008

Almost 2

I can't believe Sarah and Sloane are already going to be 2 this weekend. We celebrated this past weekend with a small group (pics to follow, the photo card reader is not my friend right now). It amazes me to see how much they've grown and how independent they've become even at this early age. Both are talking a mile a minute, with Sloane taking the lead on creating sentences. Sarah is still our cuddler, prefering that to having to clean up, get a diaper change, change clothes, etc. They both love to color and play with their big sister and the three of them crack us up all the time.

As soon as I can get the media card working again I'll post pics of the girls in their adorable birthday crowns!

Matt is doing well. His check in with the cardiologist went as expected. He will be monitored for quite some time and likely remain on the medication for at least 6 months to a year. He has to go for some follow up tests, routine in making sure they have him on the right medication. I'm probably his biggest stressor right now asking him every 35 minutes if he's feeling okay!

At 37 weeks now, Bobo is getting rather big. A growth ultrasound today estimated the current weight at 8lbs 12oz. And yes, I still have 18 days until my scheduled c-section. Based on the old wives tale that babies grow 1/2lb a week in the last month or two, Bobo's size will rival Erin's at birth (she was 9lbs11oz)

Matt will be sending out an announcement when the baby is born and we'll do our best to get pics up on the blog pretty quickly for all of you out of towners :)

Thursday, July 17, 2008

A family update

Sorry for the lack of posting and no it's not because the baby came!

It's been a roller coast of a week in our household with Matt being hospitalized for 4 days for a medical mystery. He developed atrial fibrillation on Sunday and was admitted very quickly upon our visit to the emergency room. Several drug cocktails later, his body responded and everything returned to normal. He's got medication and is following up with the specialists to confirm there is no underlying cause and that this was a fluke. Since he's been home we've talked to a lot of folks we work with and it's been reassuring to hear this is more common than we thought. At least 2 people I work with and 2 that Matt works with have had this same issue and a few have even had to have the surgical procedure to correct it. We're just thrilled he's back home already and we're trying to convince him to relax a bit!

The kids are all doing well and really starting to get excited about their new sibling. At 36 weeks today I realized this is when I gave birth to Sarah and Sloane! We're hoping to make it to 39 weeks+, which is when my c-section is scheduled for as it will allow me to deliver at the more local hospital. If I go into labor on my own prior to that, I'll have to deliver at the larger hospital that is a bit further away. Both are excellent hospitals, so we really can't go wrong :)

More later with pics of the kids!

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

High School French

When I was in high school, I took 4 years of French and then took another in college. Every year when I signed up for it, I would ask myself and probably my poor mother too - what in the world am I going to use this for and why can't I just take a study hall? I did use it for one trip to Paris and then my french knowledge was promptly tucked away. Except for the curses of course!

Well, Mom can say "I told you so" yet again. Part of my job has been working to get a site translation done for a major web build. The current translation is into French and I've spent the past 3 or 4 business days translating minor phrases and helping our team understand the larger manuscript in french (created by a much more experienced and talented lingusitics team).

On the kid front - Sarah and Sloane seem to have recovered from their bouts with strep/viruses. Erin is surprising us with how well she is handling the transition to new teachers - especially with her friend B. not there. Sarah is beginning her language explosion and speaks in a much softer tone so we often have to ask her to repeat herself. The exception to this is of course when she's screaming "No, MINNNEEE" or "Uppie, Out, Uppie, Out".

The kids are starting to get excited to have another sibling. If you don't want to know the gender, don't ask to speak with Erin any time soon as she announces it to everyone within a 20 mile radius! Matt and I are preparing - you'd think we have the routine down by now!