Thursday, June 26, 2008

Great Allergy Article

Since Erin was diagnosed with her peanut allergy we've read many articles - some scientific, some personal accounts. My mother in law came across this and shared it with us and I had to post it. This author put into words what I haven't been able to when trying to describe the impact of Erin's allergy on her life and all of our behaviors. I could not have said it better myself...trying to get it to hyperlink, but for now please cut and paste - sorry!

Monday, June 23, 2008

Crash, Boom, Strep

Believe it or not, we had a decent run of not having to run to the pediatrician's office every other day. Key word - had. Sloane has been not quite herself for a few days and has been doing a fair amount of coughing so I took her in Friday afternoon and was happy to be told it seemed like just a cold.

Saturday morning Sloane promptly launched herself over a toy and into the corner of the coffee table. As this particular hit was awfully close to her eye, it was back to the pediatrician. Her eye turned out to be fine, but we discovered she had developed a fever since her visit 18 hours before and she promptly tested positive for strep.

Being the smart parents we are, we kept Erin and Sarah in the car while Sloane was in the doctors' office - don't want to expose them to any nasty bugs, right? Well, as Matt came out with Sloane and her prescription, we went to pick up something out of Sarah's car seat and saw that within the previous 10 minutes she developed hives all over her extremities and torso. Commence putting Sloane into her car seat and carrying Sarah into the pediatrician's office. Um, yup - Strep.

So far Erin has come through this one like a champ. She's dealing with her own issue in that her best friend is leaving school - and this is compounded by the fact that her friend's mom is her teacher and is also leaving. I still remember at 4 when my best friend moved to Washington, so I really feel bad for our little bean - but she's being a trooper.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Right Dere

Sloane is officially going through a language explosion. After hearing a word once or twice she promptly assimilates it into her vocabulary and attempts to use it in context. We must apparently use the phrase "right there" frequently because it's made a new and oft repeated appearance over the past few days.

In fact, she used it to illustrate her power over Mom and Dad last night. We had her sitting on our bed after a bath and I asked her where Mommy slept - "Right Dere" she pointed to my side of the bed. And Daddy? "Right Dere" again as she pointed correctly to Matt's side. I repeated the question about Erin and Sarah and she accurately pointed out and repeated her phrase for their rooms. When I asked her where she slept, she hesitated, looked over at her room, back down at our bed and smiled as she pointed to the middle of our bed and proclaimed "Right Dere!"

The pics from Great Adventure are still on my camera but I'll put them up soon. The kids favorite part was by far the Wild Safari. Of course the fact that we could ride through it in an air conditioned car on a 94 degree day made it our favorite part as well! pics to follow....

Friday, June 13, 2008

Crazy busy

Every time someone asks me how I am I usually respond "good, and tired".  If I ever wondered why Matt and I seem to be tired all the time I think I got my answer today.  We cram a lot of activity into every day.  We both took today off because I had an ultrasound and doctors appointment.  We also cleaned the house, got the basement cleaned out (including have the rubbish company pick it all up), coordinated getting the gutters cleaned, had our cable fixed, did multiple loads of laundry, haircut, bank, dry cleaner and lunch.  All between dropping off the kids at daycare and my early afternoon appt.  I think we need a vacation day from our vacation day.

The next few weeks promise to be busy - my company picnic, father's day, classmate birthday parties, family functions and now dr's appts every two weeks.  So, we'll do our best to keep the blog updated but if there is a lapse....forgive us:)

Bobo update:  The ultrasound showed Bobo weighing approximately 4lbs and 13oz.  At 31 weeks he/she is measuring between 33 and 34 so it appears our soon to be addition is following a similar growth curve to Erin in these last few months.  My c-section date has been set for well into my 39th week - we're in discussions with the OB to move it up a week to try to limit the chance for PIH to set in again.

The company picnic is tomorrow so hopefully we'll have some fun pictures to upload in the next few days!

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Why you don't curse in front of children

Scene: Saturday morning, Matt and I in the kitchen, kids at the dining room table.

Matt emptying a pitcher of iced tea into the sink as we cleaned out the fridge...spills some on the floor..."Oh Sh*t".

Immediately following from the 3 year old peanut gallery "Oh sh*t, who made that mess?!"

No, she hasn't said it again and yes we're equally mortified and laughing.

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Pregnancy Updates

I had an entire post written and saved as a draft in my e-mail. And of course, when I finally get a chance to post this, e-mail is down!

So, I'll summarize. It's been a wild and stressful week but hopefully things are settling down. On Tuesday afternoon I worked from home because of some construction at our office (another post in and of itself). A few monster contractions and bouts of lightheadedness had Matt insisting I call the doctor by dinner time. What I thought would be a quick trip the dr's office turned into being sent to the hospital for monitoring and then finding out that one of the tests that indicates the potential for pre-term labor came back positive - no one was more shocked than I was - I spent the previous two hours in monitoring complaining that nothing was really going on and I could go home. Ummmm....ok, so maybe the google school of medicine really isn't that accurate. I played lets make a deal with the OB and was released to go home on modified rest and given the high rate of false positives with this test we agreed to a 36 hour re-check.

The re-check on Thursday was good, no further signs of pre-term labor but they decided that this was probably a good indicator that it was time to go to every two week visits given that we're starting to enter the time where my PIH begins (30-34 weeks, and I'm 29 weeks). I think my team at work is officially in panic mode now that they realize 4 of our 6 projects are due at the same time I'm likely to get pulled!

All in all, good news - blood pressure is stable, any signs of pre-term labor have evaporated and we're actually starting to make progress on names. Of course Erin insists that her new sibling be named Elmo. Mo for short. Yes, we do watch a lot of Sesame Street in this house.

Matt, not one to be left out of the limelight decided he needed a day off of work and promptly dropped a laptop on his foot Friday. Our family doctor was afraid of a fracture but x-rays proved no fracture. Given the amount of pain he's still in (doesn't help when the kids step on it), it's likely a nice, deep bone contusion. So, you've basically got two slightly movement restricted people chasing three toddlers around non stop - it would probably make a great you tube hit!