Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Because it's funny

No, we didn't do this just to be cruel - Scrabble has a lick wound on her leg we're trying to let heal. But I couldn't resist taking and posting the picture

Monday, October 27, 2008

Poor kid(s)

It's been a weekend of injuries here. First on Saturday Sarah fell backward and hit her head on the sliding glass door. After a few minutes of crying we determined she was fine. Fast forward to Saturday night when Sloane tripped over a toy and crashed to the floor. As soon as she stood up we could see the bruise on her cheek forming. She hopped up crying next to Mom on the couch while Dad got her an ice pack. She kept it on for a few minutes and then threw it at Mom. Who was holding Cole - you can see where this is going right? Yup, clocked Cole squarely in the head with a hard plastic ice pack. Cue panicked call to the pediatrician. After checking his pupils, making sure he was acting normally we were incredibly relieved.

Other than putting these kids in a padded room there is no way to keep these things from happening so I'm quite sure we'll have similar events in the future. I just hope they are spaced a bit further apart....

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Happy Go Lucky

The change of seasons has definitely hit the H household.

Mom is recovering from either bronchitis or pneumonia (depending on who you believe - Mom thinks bronchitis, Dad pneumonia. Our doctor is wonderful, smart and not the most communicative so all I know is that I have an uber strong antibiotic, was supposed to have an inhaler and have a follow up appt for flu shot in a few weeks)

Erin and Sarah both have ugly coughs. Yes, even the pediatrician declared them ugly. Matt is congested and poor Sloane has a raging ear infection. We know something was definitely up with Sloane because she's been uber cuddly lately. Cole seems to be in the same crowd as Dad and wakes up each day with a very congested nose. Hopefully it will stay cool now and everyone will kick their colds/coughs/etc pretty quickly.

Cole got his second half of the 2 month vaccinations today and is still happy go lucky

And a rare shot of Sarah without her glasses:

Thursday, October 16, 2008

I just love this picture of the girls.  It captures what we usually see of all three sticking together.   And bragging Mom showing Cole holding his rattle.  Of course he has no idea what to do with it, but it still counts!!

2-Month Well Baby

No longer just a member of the big boy club, now Cole is in the off the growth chart club. At 9 weeks old he's 16lbs 2oz and around 26 inches long. He did well with the 2 vaccinations he was given and we're going back next week for 2 more. This neurotic mom decided to split them up rather than give them all at once. He's smiling, laughing and cooing - all right on or a bit ahead of schedule. But right now he's yelling for Mom's attention so pictures will follow later.

Monday, October 13, 2008


I never realized how many yuppie families there were in NJ until we went to take the kids apple picking on Sunday. We went to one of the less well known orchards, knowing it would be busy and were shocked to find a 90 minute wait - just to get in. These yuppies packed the kids right back up and went off in search of another activity. Before you feel too bad for the kids - we went pumpkin picking on Saturday so they had a good dose of fresh air, farm animals and fields this weekend.

It's a good thing that they had a fun weekend because I won the bad parent of the week award for forgetting that today was picture day at school. They were well groomed as usual but were in day care clothes rather than picture clothes - and yes, there is a big difference. I'm consoling myself by reminding myself that we likely won't order the pictures anyway since we're going to get professional photos with the girls and Cole in November.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

She said that?

Scene: Car Ride on the way to dinner:

Erin: I want to cut my hair short.
Mom: Like Katie (a friend from school)?
Erin: No, like Daddy - really short.
Mom: That means no pigtails, no braids, no ponies - okay?
Erin: Yes, that's okay.
1 Minute Pause
Erin: Just Kidding

Scene: Sitting in the restaurant, Sarah coughs/chokes on a small piece of orange

Mom: Sar- are you okay?
Sarah - Yes
Mom: Are you sure?
Sarah: Ummm, no.

And finally, a sign that I've taken Erin shopping perhaps a bit too much. Tonight we needed to pick up a comforter we had laundered. Erin asked if she could go in and get it with Dad. I asked her where we were going to pick it up and she confidently answered "the laundro-Gap"

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

The Farmery....revisited

Yesterday I was one of many parent chaperones for Erin's class trip to a farm for pumpkin picking. Erin was able to pick pumpkins and gourds for herself and her siblings, got to go on her first school bus ride, see a 1 hour old baby calf, pet sheep, rabbits, ponies and cows, go on a hayride and navigate a mini hay-maze. Not bad for 2 hours, huh?