Monday, December 22, 2008

And a partridge in a pear tree

Scene from the weekend: Erin reading the Very Hungry Caterpillar (she knows most of it by heart). Gets to the page with 5 pieces of fruit and says "On Friday he ate through.." Sloane finishes the sentence with "5 Golden Ringggggs". Apparently they've been singing Christmas songs at school :)

Thursday, December 18, 2008


Ok, between returning to work and discovering how easy it is to post updates and pictures on Facebook the blog has been a bit neglected. My early New Years resolution is to make sure the blog gets updated regularly too.

We've hit a few milestones in our house this week. Cole cut his first tooth on Wednesday. Poor boy fought teething and a raging ear infection at the same time and was still a sweet little man. potty trained! Yahoo. We made the transition out of pull-ups this week and she's done extraordinarily well so far. Sloane is well on her way to being trained also.

We've also discovered that Erin can write almost every letter. She's been writing Erin and Cole for a few weeks now. A friend of hers gave her a book that allows her to trace the letters and she's done all of them without hesitation and can pretty confidently write them on her own. We're impressed - we know she's not covering this in preschool so she is apparently self teaching to a degree.

Pics to be added tonight!

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Spoke too soon

Apparently I spoke too soon. After 3 days of fussiness, screaming and culminating in not want to eat, Cole has been diagnosed with his third ear infection. This time they gave him a stronger antibiotic so hopefully it will kick it out for the winter. If he gets one more ear infection our pediatrician will be referring him to the ENT for possible tubes.

Not to be left out of the attention grabbing fun Sarah decided that her glasses were so 2007. So she managed to bend both pair and then step on the more wearable of the two and pop out a lens. Thank goodness we have a great optician. Matt took Sarah and both pairs of glasses last night and he was able to fix the glasses on the spot.

Sloane has developed a new fascination with Blues Clues and reinvigorated Erin's interest in it. They both now walk around the house with pieces of paper and crayons finding clues and writing them in their notebooks.

Matt is enjoying his paternity leave week with Cole this week and I've finally gotten off my duff and submitted my proposal for my graduate school capstone project.

Pics of the kids to follow - it's a lot harder to remember to put them up now that I'm back in the office!

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Mish mosh of topics

I'm hoping we're finally off the ear infection bandwagon. Sarah seems to be improving each day and the nightly screaming has stopped, although the visits to Mom and Dad's room have continued. I think our bed is just more comfortable than hers! Cole spent Friday night screaming so we took him back to the pediatrician on call on Saturday morning. He told us that he could still see infection but wouldn't give him antibiotics because he thought the underlying cause was allergies and we should see our pediatrician on Monday.

So, off to the pediatrician (I think 7 visits in 10 days now with 3 of the 4 kids?) on Monday to find out his ears are clear and she doesn't think the allergy theory is accurate. Much more likely was what we pointed out to the doc on call - he has three older sisters in school bringing home a new virus or germ every few days.

We also picked out Erin's big girl bed. My first baby is getting so big! She'll be moving into a twin bed in the early part of 09 when it's delivered.

I started back to work yesterday and it's been very, very hard. Suffice it to say that Mom is handling it much worse than baby.

Monday, December 1, 2008

Cool site for Natural Products

I found this by following a link on one of the boards I post on and was pleasantly surprised to find a lot of great, natural products I would/can use with Cole and the girls.

Also, for the Moms that follow the blog, they also have a contest to win a Medela Freestyle: