Thursday, August 21, 2008

After a week at home

Everyone is settling in very well. The girls are absolutely enamored with Cole and spend most of their free time now saying "Hi Brother, this is sister" or "Cole's eating?" Cole is a very focused baby - eat and sleep. But only while being held. Don't think about putting his cute little self anywhere but in your arms because he will quickly let you know - he doesn't do cribs or pack and plays!

It's been a busy medical week for Matt and I. Matt's last stress test showed a very minor abnormality that the cardiologist on call felt wasn't indicative of anything but suggested he have a nuclear stress test to make sure within the next few weeks. Apparently when the order came through to the scheduler, they told her it had to be scheduled ASAP. So, with 1 pre-schooler, 2 toddlers and a newborn at home Matt had to go for a test that made him radioactive for two days and unable to touch Cole. Of course, it was over these past two nights that all of the girls have decided to wake up in the middle of the night at some point and be up for at least an hour each. Luckily the radioactive half life is up after 5 today so we should be back to normal in that sense. We get the results on Friday and are hopeful that it didn't show any issues.

My BP has done it's normal post partum roller coaster - up, down, sideways. I came home on one drug and on Tuesday added another one to the mix to keep the BP steady. It seems to be working :)

I also had one minor speed bump with my c-section healing but it seems to be on the right path now!

More pics to follow tonight.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Our new little man

He's here!

Cole Matthew arrived at 9:25 AM this morning.

9lbs 10.6 ounces
21 1/4 inches

He looks just like Erin did as a newborn and his sisters had the chance to meet him tonight and are as in love as we are.

Monday, August 11, 2008

39 weeks and 4 days

We're almost there! If I can keep my blood pressure in check for another 18 -20 hours or so, I'll be able to deliver at our local hospital as planned. My blood pressure has been varying. Up on my feet for any period of time over 30 minutes pretty much guarantees a high reading, but as soon as I lay down on my side for 15 minutes, it brings it back into a normal range. So, I spent a lot of this weekend trying to work in short bursts of activity followed by a rest.

I have another ultrasound and dr's appt this afternoon and we're scheduled to be at the hospital tomorrow morning at 6:30am. I still haven't figured out exactly how we're supposed to get to labor and delivery at that early hour since all of the doors are locked other than the emergency room. I guess we'll be playing let's make a deal with the security guards in the emergency room to let us upstairs.

The kids are all doing well. Erin is perfecting the fine art of sarcasm. To hear it out of a three year old's mouth is both hilarious and disturbing. After watching Sarah and Sloane handle (drag? crash?) their baby dolls recently we've acknowledged that they probably shouldn't be allowed to hold the baby anytime soon :) (Kidding, of course).

We'll keep everyone updated.

Friday, August 8, 2008

Week 39

Yesterday was trip #2 to PET (Preterm Evaluation). BP was high in the office, high when they got us registered and came down throughout the afternoon so we were able to go home. Another BP check today at 3:30....

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

38 Week Update

So the blood pressure has started to slowly climb. I was unable to convince the doctor that it was simply that the medical technician took it wrong. Back to the doctor on Friday to have it checked again - think low BP thoughts for us!

Also, I was tagged by Karen at for this meme - 6 Personality Quirks:

1. I'm a control freak. It's why I don't like to fly and why I drive my husband nuts when I'm the passenger in a car he's driving.

2. I try to balance reading "fluff" with reading memoirs or classics so that I'm more well read. Silly, I know - I should just read what I enjoy and not give thought to whether it's fluff or substantial.

3. I'm frenetic - it's really tough for me to sit still. Case in point - I've spent this week scrubbing baseboards, doing laundry and moving furniture. And organizing the kids clothes. And organizing our dresser. I wake up and immediately form a to do list in my head.

4. I'm hooked on HGTV and TLC. However, if one more person asks me if I watch Jon and Kate + 8 I may have to beat them. They have 8 under 7. We will have 4 under 4 - it's very different. They had 6 at once. We had 2 at once.

5. I have a really bland palette. Good restaurants are wasted on me.

6. I'm turning much more conservative as I get older. Everyone warns you it happens, and apparently - they are right!

Not sure who to tag with this, have to contemplate it....

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

The 80's Reign Supreme

My first question - are all of these stores targeting us as parents by re-creating clips from the Breakfast Club and using music from Pretty in Pink in their commercials? While these movies were classics for us thirtysomethings, I find it hard to believe a pre teen or teen today would even know the reference.

My second question -how did my kids become such 80's music aficienados? When you sing "a doo doo doo" all three of them pipe up now with " a da da da" - Sting would be so proud... will try to add a voice clip later to illustrate

Saturday, August 2, 2008

2 of 2

Just some more pictures. I very rarely, if ever post pictures of myself on the blog - but had to add this one so that you realized I'm not kidding when I say I'm huge.

Finally some pictures

We finally got a card reader working - so here are a bunch of pics from the last few weeks including when we celebrated the girls second birthday.

And K- trust me that you aren't that out of touch - I didn't know the bags existed until I went to this store to find a sling for Bobo. Now the Bugaboo- I know that exists but haven't yet been able to justify a purchase of it with Matt :)

Friday, August 1, 2008


Nope, I'm not actually talking about the kids although many would make the argument that they are spoiled too. In this case, I'm actually the spoiled one. My wonderful team at work completely surpised me with a baby shower. They gave us many wonderful outfits for Bobo, flowers for all of the girls to enjoy and a gift certificate to a great local maternity/infant boutique to purchase a diaper bag they knew I'd never splurge on myself.

So courtesy of my friends at work, I'm now the proud owner of this Petunia Picklebottom diaper bag. I chose a print that I hoped Matt would actually carry without too much complaint also :)

We bought a new media card reader at home, so check back tonight or tomorrow for recent pics of the kids!