Thursday, July 5, 2007

Thestart of summer...

Okay, we’re pretty lame for not having a post up in a month. And no, we have no real reason other than the normal summer distractions.

As far as my last post – I haven’t gotten as far as feeling settled in at the new job. Part of me still wants to bolt. Really, really bolt. But, I’m balancing that against everything I’m learning and treating it the way I want to teach our children to treat difficult situations; as a challenge to overcome. Or in corporate speak: an opportunity!

We’ve entered a new phase in the Hinchey abode. All three children are officially mobile. Erin of course has been walking, climbing, jumping and straight out plotting since she was about a year old. Sloane has refined her scoot into a more classic crawl, with a twist. Sarah has very methodically learned from both of her sisters and has found the traditional crawl to be her cup of tea.

So what does this mean? Well, at any given time in our house you can hear Erin saying and doing one of three things:

“I open the gate!”- Cue dogs running in at warp speed and slamming themselves into furniture as they didn’t give themselves enough time to stop.
“I play in my kitchen” – Usually Erin heading to the playroom to be the next Julie Child
“I play in my house” – This would be where Erin has figure out how to unlock the back door, open it and the screen and try to climb down the stairs to reach her playhouse. Yes, we are investigating other locks for the back door.

You would think with Erin being the big sister, Sarah and Sloane would want to follow to the gate, kitchen or playhouse. And that we’d be able to corral three kids into one area. Nope. These little ones have broken the stereotypes of twins –there isn’t a quiet one and a loud one, a shy one and a happy one. Once you really get to know them, you know that they are both smart, independent and willful little babies who are quickly turning into toddlers. Sarah loves water and clanging noises. Water parks, nah! Dog bowls can do the trick. We spend at least 20 minutes a day trying to convince Sarah to play with something other than the dog toys and water. Sloane loves Legos and climbing. She combines the two by sticking the Duplo Lego man in her mouth and scaling the coffee table. You can imagine how that normally turns out.

Sarah is continuing her PT to make sure she remains on track, but both her Physical Therapists feel that she is tracking right along with other kids her age. So our PSA of the day – early intervention really works!

We’ll leave you with some new pics and promise we’ll update again in less than a month!

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