Friday, October 26, 2007

What we see around us

A good friend of mine recently commented to me that it seemed like the world was going to he** in a handbasket. Given that by profession, she's a motivational speaker, I was shocked that I was the voice of optimism in this conversation.

Within the past week, we've talked to our good friend out in San Diego and watched California burn via news broadcasts. We received a call tonight that a family member was robbed in front of their house - in the middle of a suburban neighborhood. Matt has all but stopped watching the news and asks me why I watch it when I comment on how depressing it is.

Yet in the course of all of this, I'm reminded that each generation has gone through times when it seems like the world is going to he** in a handbasket and that we quickly lose sight of that.

I've always called myself a realist, almost to the point of cynicism and yet it seems easier now for me to see that each of these events stand on their own and that it just reminds us to focus on the here and now and try to make the world a little bit better for our kids. Those are my deep thoughts for a late Friday night with three stomach buggy children... rather than thinking the sky is falling, just take this as a push to give an extra hug and kiss to your kids before you put them to bed. And remember that they are the reason that the world, your world continues to brighten. And how can you not laugh when your oldest is eating popcorn in front of a metal gorilla?!

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