Wednesday, April 23, 2008

This is the cold that never ends...

Do you remember that really annoying children's song from the 70's - this is the song that never ends, it just goes on and on my friend? Yeah, sorry - I probably just put the tune in your head for the rest of the day.

Well, the H. household seems to have picked up the cold that never ends. There is a version of it going around at my work and I think at daycare also. Matt spent the weekend about two weeks ago coughing and sneezing and promptly got over it after a day or two. Sloane got it next - 2 days of pink eye, followed by a minor cold. Then Sarah sneezed for a few days. Erin and I have had it now for what feels like a century but is probably more like 8-10 days. Matt has picked it back up and Sloane and Sarah just started runny noses again. I never thought I'd wish these symptoms were caused by allergies..but I'm getting there.

Speaking of doctors, we met with the allergist about Erin's peanut allergy tonight and are taking the recommended approach. Obviously that includes keeping her away from all nut products. What he recommended from there is that we test her again in about 10 months to see if her sensitivity to peanuts is decreasing. If it does that at any point we'll challenge her to see if she's outgrowing the allergy.

No random pictures this post because I'm on the laptop, but more to follow.

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