Monday, May 19, 2008

Erin - "I'm not a baby"

Wow. She’s 3.

When I was single and didn’t have kids, I used to just nod my head and say “Mmm Hmm” when people talked about how quickly their kids grew up. Really, a year is a year isn’t it?

And then we had kids.

Erin turned 3 two weeks ago and had a wonderful week of birthday celebrations including a kids party at Little Gym, a family party at home and another celebration at school. While she enjoyed all of these celebrations, Matt and I just looked on in awe. She’s 3 years old and a total wonder to us. This may be old school to everyone else but to watch her:

Be kind and compassionate to other kids
Bond so tightly with her sisters
Know all of her letters by sight
Spell her name, Mommy, Daddy and add new words to her spelling list each day
Write her name
Draw faces – really – with eyes, nose and mouth!
Remember parties and events that took place over a year ago.
Start “reading” us books by spelling out the words and associating them with the colors or pictures on the page
Sing silly made up songs
Try out sarcasm and irony
Tell us “And That’s Why” to any question we ask her
Share with her sisters

Is completely amazing to us. It’s so hard to believe that this walking, talking little person was just a baby in our arms yesterday – or so it seems. Now she tells us “I’m not a baby, I’m a big girl” to which I always correct her – she is a big girl, but she’s our baby! Pictures to follow....

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