Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Happy Go Lucky

The change of seasons has definitely hit the H household.

Mom is recovering from either bronchitis or pneumonia (depending on who you believe - Mom thinks bronchitis, Dad pneumonia. Our doctor is wonderful, smart and not the most communicative so all I know is that I have an uber strong antibiotic, was supposed to have an inhaler and have a follow up appt for flu shot in a few weeks)

Erin and Sarah both have ugly coughs. Yes, even the pediatrician declared them ugly. Matt is congested and poor Sloane has a raging ear infection. We know something was definitely up with Sloane because she's been uber cuddly lately. Cole seems to be in the same crowd as Dad and wakes up each day with a very congested nose. Hopefully it will stay cool now and everyone will kick their colds/coughs/etc pretty quickly.

Cole got his second half of the 2 month vaccinations today and is still happy go lucky

And a rare shot of Sarah without her glasses:

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