Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Mish mosh of topics

I'm hoping we're finally off the ear infection bandwagon. Sarah seems to be improving each day and the nightly screaming has stopped, although the visits to Mom and Dad's room have continued. I think our bed is just more comfortable than hers! Cole spent Friday night screaming so we took him back to the pediatrician on call on Saturday morning. He told us that he could still see infection but wouldn't give him antibiotics because he thought the underlying cause was allergies and we should see our pediatrician on Monday.

So, off to the pediatrician (I think 7 visits in 10 days now with 3 of the 4 kids?) on Monday to find out his ears are clear and she doesn't think the allergy theory is accurate. Much more likely was what we pointed out to the doc on call - he has three older sisters in school bringing home a new virus or germ every few days.

We also picked out Erin's big girl bed. My first baby is getting so big! She'll be moving into a twin bed in the early part of 09 when it's delivered.

I started back to work yesterday and it's been very, very hard. Suffice it to say that Mom is handling it much worse than baby.

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