Thursday, March 1, 2007


First, a few book recommendations. For adults - Eat, Pray, Love by Elizabeth Gilbert. For the younger set- Time for Bed by Mem Fox. I'm currently reading Eat, Pray, Love and it's the first book in a long time that I've made sure that I make time to read at least once a day.

We're happy to report that they've broken ground next door for the new foundation - we miss our neighbors and if all goes according to schedule we hope they'll be moving back in early summer.

Gratuitious Kid Updates (pics will be added tonight!):

Erin has mastered a few new tricks over the past few weeks. Some have made us proud, like helping her sisters get their pacifiers and learning to get her own spoon, fork and cup. Others make us wonder when she's going to officially be smarter than we are. She has learned to both buckle and unbuckle the plastic straps to the high chairs, bouncy seats and car seats. Matt and I are now on a search to find out how to keep her in her car seat once she learns to press the lock release. From the other Moms out there - any ideas? Knock on wood, she seems content to practice this new craft only in the house, not while we're driving.

Sarah has taken up Sloane's favorite past time of shaking her head back and forth repeatedly. Having already run Sloane to the doctor for this, we know this is normal and she's just doing it because it's fun to see Mom, Dad and her sisters fly back and forth in pretty colors. She has also decided that our bed is so much more comfortable than her crib. Who needs a crib when you can sleep in the comfort of a queen size bed? You can see why I'm trying to convince Matt we need to upgrade to a King size!

Sloane has decided that playing on her back is sooo 2006. Now that she can flip onto her stomach she does it with great gusto and all the time. The only problem? She forgets how to flip back and gets frustrated. And anyone who has spent anytime with Sloane knows that she is very good at communicating her wants and needs. Therefore we spend a fair amount of time flipping her back over onto her back. We walk away and she promptly flips back on to her stomach. Rinse, lather, repeat.

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