Wednesday, April 4, 2007


A few new happenings around our home. The house next door has been placed on the foundation, so Erin has been watching the progress with fascination. Hopefully our neighbors will be back by summer and Erin will have a friend her own age to play with.

I start working part time next week. I recently realized that other than maternity leave this is the first time I'll be working outside the house less than 40 hours a week in over 15 years. For now I'll be taking one day off and telecommuting one day. This will help us tremendously in trying to schedule physical therapy appointments, well baby checks and just the general doctor visits all kids require. And since my commute has becoming 90-100 minutes in each direction (for 38 miles. Welcome to NJ), this will go a long way in reducing commuting stress and giving us some more time as a family.

With Easter coming up this weekend we've been trying out the concept of the Easter Bunny on Erin. How exactly do you explain a human sized mythical rabbit that sits in the mall to take pictures during the week but leaves treat laden Easter Baskets while she sleeps? And we why wonder kids become afraid of the dark - Santa Claus comes down through the chimney while you sleep, and the Easter Bunny hops through your room. Heck - I'd be terrified too! That being said, Erin seems to recognize the Easter bunny and associates colored and plastic eggs with "Boony" - her version.

Sarah and Sloane are both doing well. Sarah has proven to truly take after both sides of her family. Both physical therapists have noted how strong willed she is for an 8 month old baby. There's a shocker coming from a child that belongs to the two of us! Sloane has kept her newly sunny disposition and has taken to making what we call the grandpa face - wrinkled nose, pursed lips and a head shake. We'll have to capture it on video for you to truly appreciate it. Sloane's new favorite activity is to pull the pacifier out of Sarah's mouth, hold it out of her reach and taunt her with it. We're in for loads more fun once these two get mobile!

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