Monday, August 6, 2007


July was a busy but fun month for our clan. Not only did we have Sarah and Sloane’s birthday but we also had a family reunion.

We went to Bethany Beach, DE for a week and spent it with Matt’s aunts and uncles who traveled from Missouri, Georgia, Massachusetts and Michigan to join the festivities. After about a day of warming up, Erin became absolutely enamored with her cousins and we spent the remainder of the vacation hearing “I want to see my cousssssssinnnnns” whenever they were out of sight. Erin was the youngest by 6 or 7 years and it worked out well. All of her cousins were “big kids” to her and she thought they were the bee’s knees. It was a week of many firsts:

Erin slept outside of a crib/pack and play. She slept on a cot her Granny purchased and loved it! We’re now contemplating the move to a big girl bed at home.

Sarah and Sloane experienced the beach. I think they weighed about a pound more at the end of the week as a result of all of the sand ingested.

Matt and Karen learned that should we ever have to downsize to a one bedroom condo, it is possible to fit two pack and plays, a cot and a bed in one room. We rented a three bedroom condo on the beach and found out quickly that our girls were interested only in one room for sleeping – ours. We decided to go with the flow rather than fight it and everyone slept in the master bedroom. Luckily for us it was a good size. The other two bedrooms made great dressing rooms.

We actually spent the twins first birthday in Delaware. We took them out for a celebratory hamburger (hey, it’s tough to find restaurant food that doesn’t have milk or soy in it) and then their Aunts, Uncles and Cousins surprised them (and us) with presents and a card. The girls (and their parents) had a great time and are looking forward to the next one.

The 4 hour drive back was a breeze compared to the 7 hour trip down. Thank goodness because the barbeque that we had planned for 30+ people the next day quickly became an indoor party once the monsoon hit. Instead of ordering pizza, the guys all stepped in and made it a smashing success. Ed was able to provide a tent that he had in the back of his car – he and Matt set it up, getting soaked in the process. Mark and Pat (better known as Granddaddy and Pop Pop) barbequed in the torrential rain! The girls enjoyed a vegan cake Fed-Ex’d in from a Manhattan vegan bakery (yes, we did just say we had a cake fedex’d- I ask you – could you make a cake with no egg, soy or milk?!). The rest of us enjoyed a good old commercial ice cream cake.

We had a wonderful time with our friends and family all month and hopefully will have a lot more fun events coming up. More soon…

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