Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Going to the Farmery

First, a confession. With two working parents, our kids spend a percentage of their time shopping with us. The only way to get our grocery shopping done is to get one of those lovely carts with the car in front, settle a dispute of which two kids get to sit in there and put the third up in the cart facing us. So Erin is very, very familiar with the grocery store.
Now we live in the Garden State, right? So you would think she would be equally as familiar with farms, etc? Apparently not. With last weekend's beautiful weather we decided to go apple picking. When we informed Erin we'd be going to pick apples she said "Oh, at the grocery?" Well, no not quite. So we tried to explain the concept of an orchard to her by using a farm as analogy. The result? If you ask Erin where we got all of the apples she'd reply "At the farmery".

The first set of pictures is from the "farmery".

Since that was such a hit, we decided the next day to take the kids and meet up with friends at a farm with a corn maze. It was a lot of fun for everyone other than the angry cow pictured below. Yes, I used the zoom lens for this one because she really did appear to be quite annoyed by the gaggle of kids on the other side of the fence. Seriously, it was a lot of fun. And I dare say I even matured a bit - I much more appreciate the farms and what they have to offer than when I was a teen growing up in that town and dealing with the smell of cow manure and sheep farms on the highway!

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