Sunday, December 9, 2007

Busy, Busy, Busy

I know, I know - a serious lag in posts. And no pictures to even compensate since I'm typing this from the laptop and all of our pics are on the desktop. The past few weeks have just been a whirlwind of holiday activity and the blog fell to the wayside.

Thanksgiving was wonderful, and Erin is actually starting to get the idea of being thankful. We hear on a regular basis "Thank you God for (insert name here)" and she goes through the entire list of herself, Mom, Dad, sisters, grandparents, aunts and uncles and occasionally a school friend also.

Sarah is still receiving weekly physical therapy through EI and is making great process. Her EI therapist, H. feels she is within a few weeks of walking! We also take her every 4-6 weeks to a private physical therapist for independent evaluation and a little boost and M., her PT there told me recently that if she could give Sarah a diagnosis it would be stubborn. It definitely fits - she walks behind toys across the room, can climb in and out of riding toys and crawls like a speed demon. It's become pretty obvious to all of us that she'll walk when she's ready and only then.

Sloane is her wild child self. Her favorite words appear to be no, go and more. We've decided that unlike Erin, who learned mostly nouns to start (Mom, Dad, Dog), Sloane's are all commands. She loves to command everyone around her to do her bidding. And much to her delight, most people do!

Definitely more pictures to come...

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