Sunday, June 1, 2008

Pregnancy Updates

I had an entire post written and saved as a draft in my e-mail. And of course, when I finally get a chance to post this, e-mail is down!

So, I'll summarize. It's been a wild and stressful week but hopefully things are settling down. On Tuesday afternoon I worked from home because of some construction at our office (another post in and of itself). A few monster contractions and bouts of lightheadedness had Matt insisting I call the doctor by dinner time. What I thought would be a quick trip the dr's office turned into being sent to the hospital for monitoring and then finding out that one of the tests that indicates the potential for pre-term labor came back positive - no one was more shocked than I was - I spent the previous two hours in monitoring complaining that nothing was really going on and I could go home. Ummmm....ok, so maybe the google school of medicine really isn't that accurate. I played lets make a deal with the OB and was released to go home on modified rest and given the high rate of false positives with this test we agreed to a 36 hour re-check.

The re-check on Thursday was good, no further signs of pre-term labor but they decided that this was probably a good indicator that it was time to go to every two week visits given that we're starting to enter the time where my PIH begins (30-34 weeks, and I'm 29 weeks). I think my team at work is officially in panic mode now that they realize 4 of our 6 projects are due at the same time I'm likely to get pulled!

All in all, good news - blood pressure is stable, any signs of pre-term labor have evaporated and we're actually starting to make progress on names. Of course Erin insists that her new sibling be named Elmo. Mo for short. Yes, we do watch a lot of Sesame Street in this house.

Matt, not one to be left out of the limelight decided he needed a day off of work and promptly dropped a laptop on his foot Friday. Our family doctor was afraid of a fracture but x-rays proved no fracture. Given the amount of pain he's still in (doesn't help when the kids step on it), it's likely a nice, deep bone contusion. So, you've basically got two slightly movement restricted people chasing three toddlers around non stop - it would probably make a great you tube hit!

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