No longer just a member of the big boy club, now Cole is in the off the growth chart club. At 9 weeks old he's 16lbs 2oz and around 26 inches long. He did well with the 2 vaccinations he was given and we're going back next week for 2 more. This neurotic mom decided to split them up rather than give them all at once. He's smiling, laughing and cooing - all right on or a bit ahead of schedule. But right now he's yelling for Mom's attention so pictures will follow later.
1 comment:
Yay Cole!
He definitely outweighs Tristan. At 5+ months weighs in around 15lbs give or take.
Cole even outweighs big boy Ian who was 14-4 at 8 weeks.
Watch out.
Ian is now 11 and about 5'5". He'll be taller than I before he hits his growth spurt.
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