Wednesday, August 6, 2008

38 Week Update

So the blood pressure has started to slowly climb. I was unable to convince the doctor that it was simply that the medical technician took it wrong. Back to the doctor on Friday to have it checked again - think low BP thoughts for us!

Also, I was tagged by Karen at for this meme - 6 Personality Quirks:

1. I'm a control freak. It's why I don't like to fly and why I drive my husband nuts when I'm the passenger in a car he's driving.

2. I try to balance reading "fluff" with reading memoirs or classics so that I'm more well read. Silly, I know - I should just read what I enjoy and not give thought to whether it's fluff or substantial.

3. I'm frenetic - it's really tough for me to sit still. Case in point - I've spent this week scrubbing baseboards, doing laundry and moving furniture. And organizing the kids clothes. And organizing our dresser. I wake up and immediately form a to do list in my head.

4. I'm hooked on HGTV and TLC. However, if one more person asks me if I watch Jon and Kate + 8 I may have to beat them. They have 8 under 7. We will have 4 under 4 - it's very different. They had 6 at once. We had 2 at once.

5. I have a really bland palette. Good restaurants are wasted on me.

6. I'm turning much more conservative as I get older. Everyone warns you it happens, and apparently - they are right!

Not sure who to tag with this, have to contemplate it....

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