Friday, August 1, 2008


Nope, I'm not actually talking about the kids although many would make the argument that they are spoiled too. In this case, I'm actually the spoiled one. My wonderful team at work completely surpised me with a baby shower. They gave us many wonderful outfits for Bobo, flowers for all of the girls to enjoy and a gift certificate to a great local maternity/infant boutique to purchase a diaper bag they knew I'd never splurge on myself.

So courtesy of my friends at work, I'm now the proud owner of this Petunia Picklebottom diaper bag. I chose a print that I hoped Matt would actually carry without too much complaint also :)

We bought a new media card reader at home, so check back tonight or tomorrow for recent pics of the kids!

1 comment:

MentalMom said...

I'm so out of touch I had to Google petunia picklebottom. I also had to google BOB strollers a few weeks ago when I heard they were the IT stroller and I had never even heard of them.
Cute bag!
Hope you are feeling well!