Thursday, August 21, 2008

After a week at home

Everyone is settling in very well. The girls are absolutely enamored with Cole and spend most of their free time now saying "Hi Brother, this is sister" or "Cole's eating?" Cole is a very focused baby - eat and sleep. But only while being held. Don't think about putting his cute little self anywhere but in your arms because he will quickly let you know - he doesn't do cribs or pack and plays!

It's been a busy medical week for Matt and I. Matt's last stress test showed a very minor abnormality that the cardiologist on call felt wasn't indicative of anything but suggested he have a nuclear stress test to make sure within the next few weeks. Apparently when the order came through to the scheduler, they told her it had to be scheduled ASAP. So, with 1 pre-schooler, 2 toddlers and a newborn at home Matt had to go for a test that made him radioactive for two days and unable to touch Cole. Of course, it was over these past two nights that all of the girls have decided to wake up in the middle of the night at some point and be up for at least an hour each. Luckily the radioactive half life is up after 5 today so we should be back to normal in that sense. We get the results on Friday and are hopeful that it didn't show any issues.

My BP has done it's normal post partum roller coaster - up, down, sideways. I came home on one drug and on Tuesday added another one to the mix to keep the BP steady. It seems to be working :)

I also had one minor speed bump with my c-section healing but it seems to be on the right path now!

More pics to follow tonight.

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