Tuesday, September 30, 2008

We do not negotiate with Toddlerists

Some time back, we started using the phrase "we don't negotiate with terrorists" when it came to dealing with the toddler tantrums.  We've determined toddlerists is a much better phrase because it really captures the essence of our statement.

I made a mistake the other night and decided to try reasoning with two 2-Year Olds.  It was bath night, so the kids were in and out of the bathroom in varying states of dress.  After everyone was in their pajamas, Sloane decided she didn't really want to leave the bathroom. 
"Ok, Sloane.  If you don't want to come out, you'll have to sleep in the bathroom tonight."  Bad idea - Sarah and Sloane promptly plopped down on the bathroom floor and informed me that "We sleep heah" (their version of here).  No amount of cajoling could get them out so eventually we just carried them to their room listening to their screams of protest about sleeping in the bathroom.

In case you didn't figure it out from this anecdote, bedtime has not improved.   We've added music  to the mix,  a nice compilation of Celtic lullabies.  Puts Erin to sleep in a flash, the twins dance to it.  We thought perhaps they were afraid of the dark so we found a nice battery operated nightlight.  This darling ladybug light projects stars and the moon on the ceiling.  The twins have figured out that by pressing buttons they can change the color of the pattern being projected so we hear "Puhple...NOOOOOO...geeeen" over the monitor.  

Yes, we have read all of the various theories and have tested just about every one.  I'm starting to think that the folks who wrote these books never had multiples in one room going through the same developmental phase in the same room.  So, we're back to our original theory - we don't negotiate.  Into bed, a bedtime story or 3, kisses goodnight, nightlight on, music on, door closed.  Last night they outlasted the 60 minute music CD.  Any guesses about tonight?

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