Tuesday, September 2, 2008

First Day of (Pre) School

Erin, Sarah and Sloane are all moving up to the next classrooms at school. Erin is joining the Caterpillar classroom and Sarah and Sloane are following Erin's footsteps into the classroom she just graduated from - Ladybugs. They are all very excited! (Even if Sloane doesn't look it)

In other news, Sloane finally succeeded in pole vaulting out of her crib so both she and Sarah are now in toddler beds. I'd love to say it's been a smooth transition but each night we have one or more of the following - one or both of the twins sleeping in our bed, one or both twins asleep on the floor, one or both twins stealing the others bed, every toy and piece of clothing dislodged from it's keeping place. They have been through so much change in such a short period of time, we're hoping that as we settle into a routine bedtime becomes easier again.

Cole is doing really well. Despite what the pictures show, he really is awake the vast majority of the time. He handles the constant chaos in our house with ease, sleeping through most dog barks and sisterly shrieks.

Matt went back to work today so it's Cole and I! We'll try to update the blog more frequently.

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